Lazy Guy DIY Shop Gear

The Gear That Goes On In The Shop

Like a red carpet premiere, one of the off topic questions I often get asked is “what are you wearing?” when I’m in the shop or on camera. Unlike the frivolous question during awards season, what you wear in the shop is different as it’s like a first line of defense. Be it safety, warmth or practicality. So while it might seem funny at first saying what type of pants I’m wearing in a woodshop… it actually makes a lot of sense when it’s being asked by someone who pays close attention to every detail in a build or their shop.

  1. Calavera Tools Works Leather Shop Apron – while it’s not the first item I put on, it’s definitely one of my favorite. I can’t post about these enough. Handcrafted in South Carolina, a quality leather shop apron like these are a first line of defense in safety in the shop for all the sharp tools you use and the occasional flying pieces of lumber.
  2. Arcade Adventure Ranger Belts – You don’t want to end up with your pants on the ground, which is why you need a good belt. Like buckling a seat belt, these adjustable nylon and elastic belts come in a variety of patterns and are comfy all day. No one likes a belt that cuts into your sides or one that stays too loose to keep your pants up.
  3. 3M Over Ear, Ear Protection – A lot of people like to use in ear, noise canceling ear protection that connects to their phones. I’m not one of them. Bombarding my ears with noise canceling tech and then blasting music or a podcast in my head while loud sounds assaults from the outside… seems counter productive. I like over ear cans for protecting my hearing and I’ll just crank my music loud enough to hear it while they’re on. Sorry neighbors.
  4. Duluth Flex Fire Hose Briar Pants – It’s a mouthful, but there’s a lot happening here. You get the flex of stretch nylon technology so can bend over and not blow your ass out of your pants. But then you also get the “poke protection” of Duluth’s firehose pants. Plus you get an extra layer of protection with the briar layer. These pants are amazing. The attention to detail is great, like a little extra piece of durable firehose material right where I clip my pocket knife so my pockets don’t fray.
  5. Duluth AKHG Slim Fit Shirt – More preference than a necessity, I’m a tall guy with a slimmer build depending on how many cookies I’ve eaten. With these shirts coming in Tall and Slim fit, they’re a perfect fit for me. Also, I like Duluth’s Alaskan HardGear line for the construction and functional cuts for movement.
  6. Civivi Elementum EDC Pocket Knife – I picked this everyday carry knife up in the last year after a ton of debate. After checking out all the Benchmade and SpyderCo. knives, I opted for something that was less BlackOps weapon and more so something I could carry like a gentlemen’s knife to boot with the Cuibourtia Wood Scales.
  7. Groove Life Nomad Series Brurled Walnut Silicone Ring – She liked it and then she put a ring on it. But wearing a metal ring around equipment is just plain stupid. I debated picking up a normal wooden ring, but a Walnut patterned silicone ring was the best of both worlds. These also come in Ash and Redwood if you’re looking for something a little different.
  8. Pica Longlife Automatic Pencil – I’m going to make a bold statement… I hate carpenter pencils. I get their function, plus they don’t roll away, but I like a finer point for accurate marks and mechanical pencils just snap too often. The Pica is literally the best pencil for woodworking or a jobsite. It’s rugged. Clips nicely. Then it also has onboard sharpening for when I need that sharp point for exact marking.
  9. Stoggles Safety Glasses – Impact resistant, anti-fog and blue light blocking, these are my new favorite eye protectors. You get the added benefit of the side and top shields to block those little floaters that seem to always make their way in at the wrong time. Stoggles are also great as they have sizes for smaller faces, different shaped frames and plenty of color options.
  10. Walrus Oil Trucker Hat – If you’re a woodworker and you’re not onboard with the Walrus Oil wood finish revolution you’re missing out. Not to mention they have some of the best company swag out there. The tees and hoodies are soft and comfy but everyone needs a good trucker cap. Plus, I always get a ton of questions about exactly Walrus Oil is and how it gets used. ICE BREAKER! Their gear is constantly being rotated and updated so keep an eye out for new stuff.
  11. “It’s Saw Good” Shop Tee – I love a good pun. Especially when I make it. Slight bias here but Lazy Guy DIY has the best shop tees. Hello unicorn dick jokes.
  12. Carhartt Extreme Cold Weather Boot Socks – No one likes cold toes, sweaty toes or uncomfortable feet. When the temps drop Carhartt boot socks are 100% and 100% awesome. Yes. Awesome socks. Don’t judge me.
  13. Danner Vicious Work Boot – I’ve tried everything from Cat, Wolverine, Carolina, Brunt and Timberland Pro boots and while they are all great, my Danner boots have hands down been the most comfortable every time I put them on. This version comes in varying heights, toe boxes and even cold weather and warm weather insulations.

Have favorite gear you wear in the shop? Let’s hear it in the comments below!

~Lazy Guy

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