Stocking Stuffer

5 Things That Make Great Stocking Stuffers

So you’ve picked up the big ticket items like power tools and the such for your favorite Woodworker and DIY’er. But what sort of Stocking Stuffers should you get them? Once you’ve checked out my list of 5 Things Every Woodworker Has On Their Wish list for under $200… add these under $50 to the tally!

The Lazy Guy DIY Shop Tee

Lazy Guy DIY Shirts

Shameless plug? Yes. But this is the newest iteration of the “Something Magical Happens When I Get Wood” shop tee. I’ll admit… it’s my favorite. These are on limited run and should (hopefully) be delivered by gift giving time. We’ve got tees, sweat shirts and women’s tank tops in the shop. So if you like my content, this is a great way to support my shop and will also give the gift of an awesome shop tee! Want something different? Check out the Lazy Guy DIY Swag Shop!

Order here by the 12/12 to make the holiday deliver cut off!

Katz-Moses Dovetail Jig

Katz Moses Dovetail
image credit: Katz Moses Woodworking

If you want to take your woodworking game to the next level, then cutting dovetails are in your future. One of the best Dovetail guides on the market is by Jonathan Katz-Moses. It’s incredibly easy to use. It’s translucent so you can see your cut and has magnets on the side to guide your blade. At under $40 it is absolutely a steal.

Buy it here from the JKM website!

Walrus Oil

Walrus Oil Stocking Stuffer

First off… let’s address the elephant, err… walrus in the room. There are no Walruses in this product. Walrus Oil makes some of my favorite wood finishing products on the market. If your woodworker makes cutting or charcuterie boards, the Cutting Board Oil and Wax kit is a great buy! For bigger furniture projects the Furniture Finish is top notch. Besides, it smells delicious and is made in the USA!

Digital Angle Finder

Digital Angle Finder

Without a doubt one of the most valuable accessories you need in a shop is a Digital Angle Finder. If you’re using a table saw at any time you need to slap one of these on your blade before every use. Want to know why your cutting is off by 1/16th? Now you’ll know why. I use my angle finder after every blade adjustment. Importantly, for under $25 a Digital Angle Finder makes your expensive saw more valuable (and accurate).

Spring Clamps

Bessey Spring Clamps

No, these aren’t seasonal. Spring Clamps are one of the most used clamps in my shop. Too many times I need an extra hand and these have bailed me out. Depending on the brand, you can get a lot of clamping power out of these even for glue ups. I’m a Bessey guy when it comes to clamps so this 9 piece kit is a great starter. But if you need to up the clamping force this Pony Tools Kit is industry leading.

What are your favorite woodworker stocking stuffers for under $50? Obviously, I missed some good ones, so I want to hear yours in the comments!

~Lazy Guy

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