Ryobi 23 Gauge Pin Nailer

Ryobi Cordless 23 Gauge Pin Nailer

If you’re still using a pneumatic nailer that’s attached to an air hose, it’s time to join the rest of the community and cut the cord… err hose. One of the first tool companies to really embrace the cordless nailer was Ryobi with their Airstrike line. Which is still an absolute staple (nailer?) in my workshop. For that reason I’ve been excited to check out the 23 Gauge Pin Nailer from Ryobi.

*This post is sponsored by The Home Depot Pro-Spective Tool Review program. Affiliate links to follow.

Ryobi Airstrike Pneumatic Nailers

I used my first Ryobi Airstrike nail gun over three years ago. It was the tool that made me leave behind any apprehensions I previously held about the brand in its Blue & Gold days. The 18 gauge Brad Nailer and 16 gauge Finish Nailer have never once failed me on a build and they’ve held up to all kinds of abuse. Want to read more on these and other nail guns? Check out my Pneumatic Nail Gun Guide!

With the high standard set because of the other Airstrike nailers, it was only a matter of time before I got my hands on the 23 Gauge Pin Nailer. How did it hold up?

Why A Pin Nailer?

Admittedly, Pin Nailers are the little brother I never wanted. I guess that is until I found the right one. While you can’t swap out and upgrade brothers line Pin Nailers, I’ve been disappointed with others I’ve used in the past. I’d venture a guess it was because I just didn’t have the right application. However, it looks the others I used just didn’t stack up.

Ryobi Pin Nailer

If you’re a furniture maker, Pin Nailers are great for detail work. Especially smaller pieces you need to temporarily secure while your glue dries. That absolutely did not apply to any of my work. What I have found that they work great for is securing temporary blocks on my builds. Whether that’s assisting in clamping, glues or stop blocks, it’s been very handy to have. The holes left by the nails (or pins) are so small that they are easily sanded over. Gluing a block in place or clamping has its drawbacks and limitations. The quick tack works perfectly.

Ryobi 23 Gauge Pin Nailer

Onto the the review though, how did the Ryobi Pin Nailer stack up? Honestly… it lives up to the Airstrike pedigree.

Nailer Design

Hands on, the Ryobi is comfortable to grip and easy to manage. Compared to other models I’ve used it is larger than the competition. But then that’s par for the course with almost all Ryobi tools. It does have some heft to it. Without the battery, at 6 pounds, it’s two pounds heavier than other Pin nailers I’ve used.

Ryobi Pin Nailer Trigger

Hate it or love it, the Ryobi has a double action trigger. Which means with one finger you flip the safety and squeeze the trigger with the rest of your fingers. I find it a little cumbersome at first, but it’s starting to be standard for sequential nailing for pin nailers.

Nailer Performance

First, let’s set the expectation correctly here. A lot of the questions I’ve gotten or have seen in forums have to do with using pin nailers on hardwoods. In most cases I would advise against it, however… the Ryobi performed perfectly when I tried it on White Oak, Walnut and Maple. A lot depends on the thickness of what you’re nailing into, but the actual hardwoods themselves had no issues.

Ryobi 23 Gauge Pin Nailer Verdict

I came in a skeptic. Will I ever need a pin nailer? After using it on several projects I’m happy to have it in the inventory. Even if you’re not already bought into the Ryobi battery platform, the AirStrike series is a worthy investment to jump on.

Ryobi Pin Nailer Chamber

You can pick up the Ryobi 23 Gauge Pin Nailer at your local Home Depot for under $130… but wait a few weeks for Holiday specials.

~Lazy Guy

*This post has been sponsored by The Home Depot. I have been compensated for my time and provided with product in exchange for my review. My opinion is my own.

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