
Circle Jigs and Shop Hacks

If you follow me on Instagram (if not, why aren’t you?) you would know that I’ve been prepping for my first round top farmhouse table build.  The only circles I’ve really cut out are from hole saws or really poorly hand sawed amoeba shapes that were supposed to be a little more round and a little less blobby.  I had an idea of which “route” I wanted to go to cut the top out, but I took to the inter-webs and asked my fellow woodworkers for their preferred method.  The overwhelming response was to use a circle jig and a router.  Rough cut with a jig saw came in second and then some particularly humorous folk suggested a CNC or a coping saw (pretty much the tiniest saw possible).

Like I said, I had a hunch which “route” I wanted to go and ended up choosing the Trim Router Circle Jig from Rockler Tools.  I knew ahead of time I had a slight issue to deal with because sometimes Cinderella, you’re not the fairy-tale princess, but an evil step sister who the glass slipper won’t fit.  This jig came pre-drilled for Bosch and DeWalt compact routers.  I have a Ryobi and a Makita.  So now what?

Luckily it’s just a matter of drilling my own holes into the router jig and matching it to my own router.  If you’ve got a drill press, a drill bit (or two) and a screw driver, you’ve got this.  Check out my video below on how I was able to do this.

It’s a very quick fix.  I think it took my about 15 minutes total and that was with setting up camera shots.  So lesson learned evil step sisters, if you want your glass slipper to fit… pull out the power tools so you can live happily ever after…

Tools I used in this video:

The below links are affiliate links, meaning if you click them then make any purchase, you’re beloved but generally humble DIY’er will receive a portion of your sale at no additional cost to you.  My 2 year old has expensive tastes in fine wine and jewelry, help a guy out.

Absolutely let me know if you have any questions about this quick tutorial.  Sometimes it’s tough to make sure I’ve covered everything so please feel free to reach out!

~Lazy Guy

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